Men, this is a honest peek at my life and how God turned it around for me. On the outside it appeared I had it all together, but the truth was, I was a man in hiding. Hiding from possibility, hiding from developing a vision for my life, and hiding by refusing to confront the things that were causing me pain and heartache. It was painful to acknowledge, but with God’s help and being fed up, I ran out of hiding! I decided I did not want a cursed life and it was time to access the blessings God has for me. I pray this guide will propel you to take an inward look and decide what road you’ll take towards the future God has waiting for you. Men, the enemy wants you to live way below your potential, the enemy doesn’t want you to lead your family or marriage well, the enemy doesn’t want you to have hope or a future; however, there are 2 sides to every coin and it’s yours to choose. A cursed life or a blessed life. What will you choose?

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